
UPDATING is the critically-acclaimed New York City-based live dating & comedy show bringing two singles on blindfolded first dates in front of live audiences.

Dubbed “the most raw dating show in existence,” what follows is a hilarious show with audience participation, raw moments, and relatable feedback on modern romance in real-time with real people.

Reality TV…unfolding & unedited on stage!

Created, Produced, and Hosted by NYC-based comedians, Brandon Berman (@bermmy16) & Harrison Forman (@htforman)Host: Brandon Berman Sidekick: Harrison Forman Daters: Two Local SinglesFor more information on casting & tickets, please go to @UPDATINGSHOW on Instagram.

UPDATING is the critically-acclaimed New York City-based live dating & comedy show bringing two singles on blindfolded first dates in front of live audiences.

Dubbed “the most raw dating show in existence,” what follows is a hilarious show with audience participation, raw moments, and relatable feedback on modern romance in real-time with real people.

Reality TV…unfolding & unedited on stage!

Created, Produced, and Hosted by NYC-based comedians, Brandon Berman (@bermmy16) & Harrison Forman (@htforman)Host: Brandon Berman Sidekick: Harrison Forman Daters: Two Local SinglesFor more information on casting & tickets, please go to @UPDATINGSHOW on Instagram.

UPDATING is the critically-acclaimed New York City-based live dating & comedy show bringing two singles on blindfolded first dates in front of live audiences.

Dubbed “the most raw dating show in existence,” what follows is a hilarious show with audience participation, raw moments, and relatable feedback on modern romance in real-time with real people.

Reality TV…unfolding & unedited on stage!

Created, Produced, and Hosted by NYC-based comedians, Brandon Berman (@bermmy16) & Harrison Forman (@htforman)Host: Brandon Berman Sidekick: Harrison Forman Daters: Two Local SinglesFor more information on casting & tickets, please go to @UPDATINGSHOW on Instagram.

Special Event | Must Be 21+

with Valid ID to Enter

02/24/2025 7:00 PM

Door Time: 5:45 PM

Other Showtimes

194 South 400 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Special Event
Ages 21+
Rated R
February 24
